My portfolio of books

just dropping a line to encourage each and everyone to follow their dream no matter what.  a couple of years I dreamt I could write and so far this is what I have managed to do in my shed.  All of the books are on Amazon and Kindle.  Please don’t give up  it is a very difficult road to get to your goal.


Latest Novel “Broken Timeline”


I am past the half way point of writing my latest novel “Broken Timeline” I am enjoying writing this book it is totally fictional.  It has everything in it ?? supernatural, crime, murder, adultery and so much more.  A book that has a punch one that a reader will not wish to put down.  Published soon watch this space.





For those who are interested I have taken up the mighty pen once again and I am currently writing yet another book.

The book is a paranormal novel, but without the ghosts, someone has upset the past? and has allowed visions from the past to break through to the mortal world.

The book is based in and around ancient Winchester in England.




The Beginning

I began to seriously write @two years ago, as a child I was informed by my teachers that I would never amount to anything in life.

For many years I didn’t put pen to paper, until I started to write my first book, “Never a Dull Moment”.

I have gone on to write 4 more books, I write for the love of it.

I am currently proof reading my latest Draft manuscript “The Journey”.

I may never write a bestseller, it is the love of starting on blank piece A4 paper and ending with 200 to 300 pages later and holding a new novel in my hands.

Gping back to my childhood at school I was taken out of class and stuck in a classroom on my own to read or write lines, what I would do was to stare out of the classroom window, watching people scurry from one classroom to another, I would make up stories.





The cold creeps up my body, like the tide lapping up onto a beach, the cold creeps up my toes and into my feet

At the tips of my body, my fingers are becoming colder and colder, my hands turning blue

My nose is becoming bluer and darker, it is excruciatingly painful the tips of my ears are in such pain

My body is starting to shut down. I can feel the energy ebbing from my lifeless body

Each movement is becoming slow and painful

Sleeping under the stars is so lonely and cold

Overnight my body shuts down for good


copyright Inspirations book of poetry 2016